Friday, September 19, 2008

Vatican and Evolution

"No to a closed evolutionism, yes to a theory of evolution which is itself evolving," was the way one of the organizers described the point of view of a conference coming up organized by the Gregorian University in Rome and the University of Notre Dame. This conference is also co-sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Culture. This conference, entitled "Biological Evolution: Facts and Theories" will be held in March at the Gregorian in Rome in conjuction with the 150th anniversary of Darwin's book, The Origin of Species.

It is good to see some sanity prevailing on this issue which has become part of the "culture wars." At a press conference Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture stated, "I want to affirm, as an a priori, the compatibility of the theory of evolution with the messagae of the Bible and the church's theology."

For the full story, read John Allen's excellent article at:
Genesis isn't a science book: Vatican to study evolution; Benedict's trip to France; and Pius XII National Catholic Reporter Conversation Cafe

I am excited to see the church clearly advocating a return to dialogue with science and calling for converstaion rather than polarization. Fides it ratio, faith and reason, working together.

If faith and science can begin to learn from one another, is there hope for our politics?

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